Dear Members
I hope you are enjoying this lovely summer and managing to visit some open gardens. We have already held four successful events, the most recent being a private visit to the wonderfully restored Church Gardens in Harefield. If you missed this opportunity, I would highly recommend a visit, they open every Sunday during the summer, but of course you will have to contend with the crowds, you will be amazed by what the McHugh family have achieved.
With our Annual General Meeting just over a month away we are currently preparing an agenda including the re-election of trustees. So if you would like to be more involved in the governance of the Trust, but do not have the time to commit to a role on the Council then volunteering as a trustee could be the ideal opportunity for you.
As a trustee your responsibilities will include ensuring the Trust is complying with its governing document, act in the charities best interest, ensure we manage our resources responsibly, ensure the Trust is accountable and above all bring new skills and experience to Bucks Gardens Trust.
We would also like to find someone to help organise our exciting events programme, this would involve contacting venues regarding bookings and helping with the Ticket Source website. I plan to form an events group of about four to share the work.
If you are interested and would like to discuss these roles further, then do contact me at: claire@decarle.plus.com
The AGM is on Saturday 22 July 2023 at 2pm and this year is being held at St Dunstan’s Church Monks Risborough. The event is free to all, however we would be grateful if you would sign up on Ticket Source so that we know how many members to cater for. The AGM papers will be sent to you in a few weeks time. https://bucksgardenstrust.org.uk/event/buckinghamshire-gardens-trust-annual-general-meeting-saturday-22nd-july-at-2pm/
I hope to see some of you at the AGM and on our visits to Lindengate and Bekonscot, tickets are still available for both visits.
Claire de Carle
Buckinghamshire Gardens Trust Summer Newsletter 2023. Please click onto URL below to get the latest edition of Newsletter
BGT Summer 2023 Newsletter final copy