Buckinghamshire has a rich legacy of historic and beautifully designed parks and gardens. Our aim is to enjoy these gardens, improve our knowledge of their significance and to help protect them for future generations.
As well as encouraging an awareness of Buckinghamshire’s parks and gardens through talks and visits, our enthusiastic volunteer Research and Recording Group uncovers stories and data that improve our understanding of the county’s landscape.
One of our current projects is focused on exploring Artists Gardens in Bucks.
With a detailed understanding of what is on our doorstep, we are in a strong position to work with communities, planning authorities – via our Planning Group – and partner organisations to value and protect the county’s parks and gardens.
The Trust works through an elected Council of Management with elections to the Council at our AGM.
Where possible the Buckinghamshire Gardens Trust promotes events organised by The Gardens Trust, other neighbouring County Gardens Trusts and organisations that promote parks and gardens and are open to our members and guests.
As pressures on land continue or with changes of ownership, there is a danger that some of these special sites may fall into decline or even disappear. Our purpose is to help preserve garden heritage through ensuring that as many sites as possible are properly researched and recorded.