Howe Park Wood courtesy of The Parks Trust The Parks Trust calls for help in protecting one of their ancient woodlands. The Parks Trust, the charity that cares for over 6,000 acres of parkland and greenspaces in Milton Keynes is asking for your help in protecting one of their three ancient woodlands found across the...Read More
The Parks Trust enter an agreement with MK Council to take on the lease of Almshouses The Parks Trust, the independent charity that looks after over 6,000 acres of green space and parkland in Milton Keynes has entered an agreement with Milton Keynes Council to take on a 999-year lease of the Almshouses in Great...Read More
Snowdrop walks in Buckinghamshire February is the month of the snowdrop or Galanthus nivalis as the most common variety is officially known. So get on your walking shoes, wrap up warm and treat yourself to the wonderful site of sweeps of snowdrops covering the parklands, woodland, churchyards, and gardens of Buckinghamshire. To get you started...Read More
Major Contribution to National Heritage List by Buckinghamshire Gardens Trust Research and Recording Team Via ‘Enriching the List’, in the National Heritage List there is an entry for every listed structure in a designed landscape that is the subject of a Buckinghamshire Gardens Trust (Bucks GT) dossier. Each List entry has been enhanced with a...Read More
The Gardener’s House (formerly part of East Burnham Park) Near Farnham Royal, Buckinghamshire Back in 2018, I was researching East Burnham Park for the Bucks Gardens Trust Research & Recording project. Access to the core of the site was proving difficult; however, eventually, I did make contact with Sue Davie, the owner of The Gardener’s...Read More
Zoom talk Sunday 23rd January at 2.30 pm. £5 This talk will be given by Tim Skelton, Chair of Milton Keynes Forum (the city’s Civic Society). Tim spent ten years at Milton Keynes Development Corporation from 1979 and has taken a keen interest in both the original development of the city and the way that...Read More
Buckingham University Celebrates Green Canopy Planting News from Michael Hunt, Bucks GT tree specialist I’ve been out and about again for trees and this time it was to attend at Buckingham University a ceremony to plant an avenue of seven Prunus Sargentii (north Japanese hill cherry) and eighteen London Plane trees as part of Her...Read More
Do you have a favourite tree or woodland in Buckinghamshire? An ancient oak you always pass on your walks? An area of woodland where you love to sit and enjoy the sunshine? Or somewhere that evokes fond childhood memories? Buckinghamshire Council is looking for the best-loved trees and woodlands in Buckinghamshire, as part of Her...Read More
Michael Hunt, Buckinghamshire Gardens Trust’s very own ‘Tree Guru’, has been out checking on Boxing Day the Glastonbury Thorns which form part of the Tree Cathedral at Milton Keynes and this is part of his latest blog. Ever since I visited the Tree Cathedral at Milton Keynes I became fascinated with the group of Glastonbury...Read More
The annual Christmas gathering was moved to the Bennett Room at The New Inn, Stowe this year with a delicious lunch provided by the Farm Deli in Winslow including a welcome glass of fizz and wine. After lunch Brian Dix, who had driven from his home in Wales for the occasion, gave an amusing but...Read More