Did you book a visit to a garden? In this edition of the Newsletter we are celebrating the return of the Buckinghamshire Summer Visits to a wide range of gardens and, parks and green spaces. Rosemary Jury has organised the sun to shine, not lost anyone and had tea provided where possible. There is still...Read More
John Nash and the Dovecote Over the last year, we have all developed an increasing appreciation of our open spaces ranging from public parks, designed landscapes or rural countryside. They are places where we have enjoyed the beauty of nature, found comfort away from these difficult times and exercised our minds and our bodies. A...Read More
Dear Members and Friends, We do hope that you will enjoy our Spring Newsletter; it comes with the hope of a bright Summer for 2021. As always our Editor Gwen Miles, ably assisted by Sub-editor Clare Butler, have compiled for us a feast of interesting articles. Dr Victoria Thomson sets out ‘Ten Things You Need...Read More
Wotton House, Wotton Underwood, Buckinghamshire Home of Buckinghamshire Gardens Trust’s patron David Gladstone. In 1989 I was fortunate to meet Christopher Lamb, an architect who had worked with Donald Insall’s practice on the restoration of Wotton House under the guidance of the indefatigable Mrs Elaine Brunner who, in 1957, had purchased the main...Read More
Brilliant News! Campbell Park, Milton Keynes recognised as one of the finest post-war parks in the country Registered Grade II listed by Historic England as a Park of Special Interest. Very good news, many thanks. It will help keep Campbell Park and the other elements of Milton Keynes landscape (the labyrinth of freedom) secure for...Read More
Welcome: We hope this July Extra Newsletter issue will encourage all our members to take an active interest in their local parks and green spaces, some of which come under the protection umbrella of the Fields in Trust. 2020 marks the 95th anniversary of the Fields in Trust and the 125th anniversary of the National...Read More
Buckinghamshire’s Public Parks The Buckinghamshire Gardens Trust Newsletter grown in response to requests for articles for the extra June Newsletter and what started out as one newsletter will now probably fill two! The plan now is to make a record of these parks and produce a ‘Guide to Buckinghamshire Public Parks ’, this will include a...Read More
Dear Members and friends, Firstly great thanks must be extended to Dr Sarah Rutherford, our retiring Chair, who for twenty-two years, has been at the helm of Bucks Garden Trust-firstly as Vice-chair from the Trust's inauguration in 1998, then on retirement of Charles Boot in 2016, Sarah has accepted the role of Chair.Read More
And so it is time for our AGM, which this year signals major change on the BGT committee and in our leadership. With regret I am retiring as Chairman (aka Chaise) but this heralds new opportunities! Rosemary Jury is our new Chaise, and will make an excellent leader, and Claire de Carle is her Vice....Read More
From the Chair Greetings! In the last few weeks of February the gardens were fast forwarding to summer. It was a bit odd to see my sheets of snowdrops and hellebores on a day when the temperature hit 20 degrees. Many of you will have taken advantage of the warm weather to get in your...Read More