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Gardens Trust Volunteer Celebration 2024





Gardens Trust Volunteer Celebration 2024

Join us to celebrate amazing historic landscape projects by volunteers across the country;

and the winner of our annual Volunteer Award

Important Note: Claire de Carle (Chair of Bucks Gardens Trust) will be giving a presentation on the Audience Engagement programme that the Buckinghamshire Gardens Trust has undertaken in 2023-2024

Date and time: Monday, 15 July 2024 10:30 – 16:00 BST

Location:  The Dorothy Fox Education Centre, Sheffield Botanical Garden, Thompson Road, Broomhall S11 8RB

Join us in celebrating the work of our fantastic volunteers from the Gardens Trust and County Gardens Trusts in England and Wales at this free event at Sheffield Botanical Gardens.

We’ll not only be celebrating and giving huge thanks to our dedicated and passionate network of volunteers working hard to help protect historic parks and gardens, we’ll be providing a platform for them to share some of the exciting projects they’ve been working on in the last year, many of which have helped them to engage new volunteers and supporters for their County Gardens Trust. We will also be announcing the winner of our annual Volunteer Award, presented by Peter Hughes, Chairman of the Gardens Trust, followed a special guided tour of the Grade II listed gardens by a volunteer from the Friends of the Botanical Gardens Sheffield.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

We hope you can join us!

Schedule (more details to follow):

Morning – Arrival at 10:30am, Refreshments, Volunteer project sharing


Afternoon – Presentation of our Volunteer Award, Tour of Sheffield Botanical Gardens and Networking

End of day – 4pm

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